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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Top 15 Twitters Ways Can Make You A Blogging Pro

This is an article from @JohnAguiar

The good news is as you spend more time on Twitter you will slowly become a Tweeting pro, you will start to pay attention to what you say and the best way to say it within your given 140 characters."

1. Ask Questions
There is so many great twitter conversations and information shared on Twitter, so make use of this, jump into conversations and ask questions, bloggers are really there to help and they will if you go at them in a nice, non spammy way!

2. Get To The Point
140 characters force you to get the point quickly, take this to you blog writing, and remove all the extra chit chat, and get to your point, your readers will luv you for it.

3. Drive Traffic to Your Blog
Twitter is one of the best social sites for driving immediate traffic to your blog, it’s funny how cool a feeling it is to post a tweet on a new blog post and watch as the RTs add up, silly I know, but still very cool.

4. Make Friends
You joined Twitter to connect with people right?  Twitter is a great place to make blogging friends, you share ideas, RTs, comments and your blogging know how.

5. Give Freely
Twitter makes it so simple to give support to your new friends. The more you share freely, and stay open to answering questions, the more your followers will want to follow you on your blog too.

6. Post Inspiration
If you spend anytime viewing your stream you will see a huge amount of information on different topics, ideas, and news.  This makes it very easy for you to get a new post idea, and start writing.

7. Get Focused
Once you are on Twitter, you will learn to tweet on topic. With Twitter, Less Is More!  Learning what to say – when to say it and how many times to say it will have a big impact on your blogging. This will help you keep your blogging on point, and laser focused.

8. Listen to your Followers
On Twitter people will express their love or hate for you or your ideas,  this is why Twitter is a great place to listen to your readers.

If they like it, ask why and do it again and again.
If they hate it, ask why and tweak it.

Getting feedback on Twitter is easy, no polls, no questionnaires, just tweet and listen.

9. Learn Then - Learn More
My only complaint with Twitter is the amount of great FREE information that is thrown at you on a daily basis. Twitter is the worlds RSS feed.

The trick is to cut thru the BS and find resources/bloggers that consistently offer valuable, helpful information.

10. Promote YourSelf
Promoting you and your blog on Twitter is a no brainer, and when done right, will have a long term positive effect.

Writing a strong bio, and adding a link to your blog is a simple way to start the promo wheel turning. Then you want to promote your posts to Twitter a couple times a day.

I know some of you are thinking “ohhh nooo I don’t want to promotttte on Twitterr and bee a spammmmerrrr”  but take a deap breathe and relax, promoting yourself on Twitter is fine, the issue comes HOW you promote.

Now if your promoing a new post 30 times a day, or share affiliate links 100 times a day, and never really engage within your Twitter community, then YES you would be a spammer!

But when done correctly, promoting on Twitter will have only positive results for you.

11. Always Be Honest
Twitter will find BS and let the world know, so being honest and transparent is the only way to go.  Show who you are, if you luv something tell people. If you hate something, tell people.
Your Twitter followers will thank you for your honest opinion whether they agree with it or not.

12. Be Social - Engage
I’m sure you have heard me say to engage your readers and build a community around them many many times haha.

I push this hard core because it works!  You joined Twitter to meet people and chit chat, right? Yet many people get on and slowly lose why they got on Twitter in the first place.

13. Market Timing
Like I shared on Learn More above, Twitter really is the worlds RSS feed.

Want to know what is hot in your niche?  Just read your stream.
Want to know the most timely news? Read your stream.

As a blogger this is awesome, since this will give you relevant timely ideas to write about.

14. BS Googles
Yes, as you spend more and more time on Twitter you will start to see things thru your BS Goggles and easily see what is real and what is garbage.

Twitter has a huge amount of helpful information for bloggers, but it also has a huge amount of BS, so when reading thru your stream, keep your Goggles ready haha

Knowing what is real or BS will help you as a blogger to write a better quality post.

15.Find Blogging Partners
I am a BIG believer in having blogging friends. Blogging is a group activity, and the more blogging friends you have the more success your blog will have.

I trust in Twitters power to make you a better blogger.  I use Twitter every day, but there are many many things I see bloggers doing on Twitter that is counter-productive.

These 15 tips combined with what you can learn with Twitter Dummy, will get you well on your way to using Twitter to make you a blogging pro.

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